South African Weather

To understand how South Africa weather works is a bit like flipping things around. What you really need to know is that the weather is generally mild, with not very cold winters and not overly hot summers. You also need to bear in mind that the seasons are flipped from the Northern hemisphere. But don’t get fooled, South Africa is a big country ranging from the Highveld and lowveld. to desert and large coastal area.

In the Johannesburg area there is the amazing phenomena of rain during the summer and dry winters. This is an amazing sight as a sunny day can suddenly turn into a thunder and lightning storm and after an hour the sun will come out again. Once you experience it you will remeber the occassion. Be sure to ask us about these trips in the summertime.

The coldest days are June-August with the average temperature is usually below 68 °F and in the evenings the temperature can drop to below freezing.

The average temperature in Cape Town during summer is 60-78°F, Johannesburg 59-78°F and Kruger Park area is 66-84°F.

The best time for you to visit the Kruger National Park with The Kosher Safari is during the winter months. This is when the temperature is cooler and the grass is drier and more game is visible.

Cape Town Is very busy during December and January months and is best visited out of the high season. For more information see here.


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